Friday, August 29, 2008

Friday, at last!

Following directions - that's what we want to do when we come to the library. First grade students practiced that today with games and a fun work sheet. Sixth, third, and fourth graders learned about Fact Hound and how to use that great resource to find good websites. We all plan to enjoy a wonderful, long weekend.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Book Review - - Lawn Boy by Gary Paulsen

The main character in this story by Gary Paulsen, author of Hatchet and Mr. Tucket, learns not lessons in survival like the characters in his other books, but lessons in economics. Read how a simple summer job mowing lawns take its own adventurous turns and provides some cash to boot!

Fact Hound can fetch good websites for us

Today the 3rd and 4th grade students learned about Fact Hound. Fact Hound is in some of our nonfiction books, and he points the way to appropriate and good web sites that can extend what we learn from the books. Be sure to look at, click the applicable grade level, and enter the code found with the Fact Hound symbol in the book. Then click the Fetch It button. You will see age-appropriate web sites that you can investigate. Another way to use is to browse subjects by clicking on letters or on pictures and words. (You don't need a code to do this.)

Check back with us later to see what else our students are learning in Library!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

We are back!!

School is well underway, and the library media center is "abuzzing." Our elementary classes are back on their regular library schedule, and we have had orientation for junior high classes. The fourth-sixth graders are busy reading the Alabama Emphasis on Reading books for 2008-2009. Ms. Davis's class visited today to see Space Shuttle programs and learn about the Space Shuttle Missions.

Our first big library event coming up is Teen Read Week, with the theme Books with Bite@ Your Library. High school students - be on the watch for a unique contest with a really neat prize. Details will be coming early in October.

Our Fall Book Fair Safari is scheduled for October 20 - 24. Family Night is Tuesday, Oct. 21 from 4:30 until 6:00.

We have lots of new nonfiction books ready for checkout, and we will soon be getting new fiction books as well. Remember our Birthday Book Club and Honor/Memorial Book program too.